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Thalia-Maria Georgoulis

Thalia-Maria Georgoulis was born and raised in Athens, Greece. For many years she worked as a jewellery designer but decided to pursue sculptural objects on a larger scale and completed a two-year MA in Goldsmithing, Metal-work & Jewellery at the Royal College of Art in London. She has since worked exclusively as a silversmith. Her work celebrates the beauty of simple, everyday objects; of nature, tradition and ritual. 

Thalia-Maria has been an avid pebble collector for as long as she can remember. In 2013 she made her first silver pebbled spoon - combining her hobby with her passion and resulting in a practical yet unique work of art.

"What I love about the silver pebbled spoons is that the possibilities are  endless, and every new piece remains unique and beautiful in its own organic way. Each pebble holds a personal story, as we can only imagine  where that natural stone first started its harmonious journey, and  stumbled into my path." - Thalia Maria 

Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis


Thalia-Maria Georgoulis
